


Fungal brain infection modelled in a human-neurovascular-unit-on-a-chip with a functional blood-brain barrier

Kim J*, Lee KT*, Lee JS, Shin J, Cui B, Yang K, Choi N, Lee SH, Cheon J, Bahn YS*, Cho SW*.

Nature Biomedical Engineering 2021 August, 5(8):830-846

2020 IF=25.671, JIF 0.56% in Engineering, Biomedical

Selected as a cover article 

등록특허: 뇌혈관 모사용 미세유체 디바이스 및 이를 포함하는 고효율 혈액뇌관문 모사 시스템(1023958010000, 2022.05.03)

Fungal kinases and transcription factors regulating brain infection in Cryptococcus neoformans

Lee KT*, Hong J*, Lee DG*, Lee M, Cha S, Lim YG, Jung KW, Hwangbo A, Lee Y, Yu SJ, Chen YL, Lee JS, Cheong E*, Bahn YS*.

Nature Communications 2020 March, 11:1521

2020 IF=14.919, JIF 4.86% in Mutidisciplinary Sciences

The hybrid RAVE complex plays V-ATPase-dependent and -independent pathobiological roles in Cryptococcus neoformans.

Choi JT*, Choi Y, Lee Y, Lee SH, Kang S, Lee KT*, Bahn YS*.

PLoS Pathogens 2023 October

2022 IF=6.7, JIF 9.5% in Parasitology


Genome-wide functional analysis of phosphatases in the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans

Jin JH*, Lee KT*, Hong J, Lee D, Jang EH, Kim JY, Lee Y, Lee SH, So YS, Jung KW, Lee DG, Jeong E, Lee M, Jang, YB, Choi Y, Lee MH, Kim JS, Yu SR, Choi, JT, La JW, Choi H, Kim SW, Seo KJ, Lee Y, Thak EJ, Choi J, Averette AF, Lee YH, Heitman J, Kang HA, Cheong E, Bahn YS*.

Nature Communications 2020 August, 11:4212

2020 IF=14.919, JIF 4.86% in Mutidisciplinary Sciences

관련 등록특허 7건

Systematic functional analysis of kinases in the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans

Lee KT*, So YS*, Yang DH*, Jung KW, Choi J, Lee DG, Kwon H, Jang J, Wang LL, Cha S, Meyers GL, Jeong E, Jin JH, Lee Y, Hong J, Bang S, Ji JH, Park G, Byun HJ, Park SW, Park YM, Adedoyin G, Kim T, Averette AF, Choi JS, Heitman J, Cheong E, Lee YH, Bahn YS*. 

Nature Communications 2016 September, 7:12766

2020 IF=14.919, JIF 4.86% in Mutidisciplinary Sciences

Systematic functional profiling of transcription factor networks in Cryptococcus neoformans

Jung KW*, Yang DH*, Maeng S, Lee KT, So YS, Hong J, Choi J, Byun HJ, Kim H, Bang S, Song MH, Lee JW, Kim MS, Kim SY, Ji JH, Park G, Kwon H, Cha S, Meyers GL, Wang LL, Jang J, Janbon G, Adedoyin G, Kim T, Averette AK, Heitman J, Cheong E, Lee YH, Lee YW, Bahn YS*. 

Nature Communications 2015 April, 6:6757

2020 IF=14.919, JIF 4.86% in Mutidisciplinary Sciences

등록특허 7건 

크립토코커스 네오포르만스의 체온에 대한 내열성을 조절하는 포스파타아제 및 이를 이용한

항진균제 스크리닝 방법(1025187420000, 2021.11.17)

크립토코커스 네오포르만스의 혈액뇌장벽 통과를 조절하는 포스파타아제 및 이를 이용한 항진균제 스크리닝 방법(1025187640000, 2021.11.17)

크립토코커스 네오포르만스의 멜라닌 생산을 조절하는 포스파타아제 및 이를 이용한 항진균제 스크리닝 방법(1025187500000, 2023.04.03)

크립토코커스 네오포르만스의 다당류 캡슐 생산을 조절하는 포스파타아제 및 이를 이용한 항진균제 스크리닝 방법(1025187560000, 2023.04.03)

크립토코커스 네오포르만스의 세포막 안정성을 조절하는 포스파타아제 및 이를 이용한 항진균제 스크리닝 방법( 1025187850000, 2023.04.03)

크립토코커스 네오포르만스의 DNA 손상 반응을 조절하는 포스파타아제 및 이를 이용한 항진균제 스크리닝 방법( 1025187690000, 2023.04.03)

크립토코커스 네오포르만스의 O-만노실화를 조절하는 포스파타아제 및 이를 이용한 항진균제 스크리닝 방법(1025187860000, 2023.04.03)


Optimization and evaluation of novel antifungal agents for the treatment of fungal infection. 

Choi JW*, Lee KT*, Kim S, Lee, YR, Kim H, Seo KJ, Lee MH, Yeon SK, Jang BK, Park SJ, Kim HJ, Park JH, Kim D, Lee DG, Cheong E, Lee JS*, Bahn YS*, Park KD*.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2021 October, 64(21):15912–15935

2020 IF=7.446, JIF 4.03% in Medicinal Chemistry

Selected as a cover article

등록특허: 신규한 아미노알칸산에 바이페닐기를 도입한 유도체 화합물 및 이를 포함하는 항진균성 약학적 조성물(1022868970000, 2021.08.02)

Biosynthesis of nonimmunosuppressive FK506 analogues with antifungal activity

Beom JY*, Jung JA*, Lee KT*, Hwangbo A*, Song MC, Lee Y, Lee SJ, Oh JH, HA SJ, Nam SJ, Cheong E*, Bahn YS*, Yoon YJ*. Journal of Natural Products 2019 August, 82(8):2078-2086

2020 IF=4.050, JIF 6.8% in Plant Sciences

ACS Editors’ Choice

등록특허 2건: 신규 화합물 및 이를 포함하는 진균감염 치료용 약학적 조성물(1021091680000, 2020.05.04); 신규 화합물 및 이를 포함하는 신경계 질환 치료용 약학적 조성물(1021347820000, 2020.07.10)

Full list of publications are listed and linked below.



등록특허: cAMP/PKA 신호전달경로 인자 저해제를 포함하는 항진균 보조용 조성물(1027216290000, 2024.10.21)






Previous Studies

PhD Thesis

Lee KT*. Systematic analysis of the pathogenicity-related signal pathways in human meningitis fungal pathogen. Graduate School, Yonsei University Department of Biotechnology (2018) RISS: 


2024.11.06   “Discovery of principles of adaptation to host environment through isolation of fungal strains”, APSMM 2024 The 8th Congress of Asia-Pacific Society for Medical Mycology, Kyoto, Japan

2024.10.31   “Discovery of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Drug Resistance Principles through Clinical Fungal Isolates”, MSK, Jeju, Korea

2024.06.27   “Discovery of fungal drug resistance in Candida auris, a multi-drug resistant fungus, and clinical specimen isolates”, The 31st Federation Meeting of Korean Basic Medical Scientists 2024, Seoul, Korea

2024.06.21   “Discovery of drug resistance principles through fungal isolation in various environments”, KSM2024, Busan, Korea

2023.06.01   “Discovery and Evaluation of Fungal-Specific Inhibitory Effects of Natural Products”, KMB2023, Gongju, Korea

2022.10.13   “Discovering New Drug-resistance Mechanisms through the Analysis of Drug-resistant fungi in the Environment and Animals” Korea Society of Mycology: 50 years on, Cheonan, Korea

2022.04.01   “Discovering the host infection mechanism of fungal pathogens”, The 2022 KSPP Spring Conference, Byeonsan, Korea

2022.04.21   “Discovering the infection mechanism of fungal pathogen causing brain infection”

2021.10.29   “Identification of the brain infection mechanism of meningitis fungus” in preparation, The Korean Society of Mycology 2021 Korea-Japan joint symposium on mycology, Gwangju, Korea

2021.06.24   “Cryptococcal genetic regulation in host-pathogen interactions”, MSK2021, Busan, Korea

2021.06.09   “Host mimicking systems to identify the brain infection mechanism of a fungal meningitis pathogen”, BK21 Yonsei Education & Research Center for Biosystems, online-session

2021.03.18   “Genetics in fungal pathogen, technical seminar”, Food Biotechnology Lab, Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea

2021.03.18   “Identification of fungal genes regulating host pathogen interactions”, Biological Science and Technology Department Seminar, Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea

2020.08.24   “Host mimicking systems to identify the brain infection mechanism of a fungal meningitis pathogen”, MSK2020, online-session

2020.08.24   “Fungal kinases and transcription factors regulating brain infection in Cryptococcus neoformans”, MSK2020, online-session

2020.01.22   “Systematic functional analysis of complex signaling networks governing fungal brain infection”, 2019 BK21 PLUS Research Symposium, Seoul, Korea

2019.08.28   “Identification of signaling networks governing the brain infection of Cryptococcus neoformans”, 2019 SRC-MSS Summer Symposium, Gwangju, Korea

2019.02.22   “Systematic functional analysis of complex signaling networks governing brain infection of Cryptococcus neoformans”, BK21 PLUS Systems Biology Center, Seoul, Korea

2018.02.08   “Systematic analysis of the pathogenicity-related signal pathways in human meningitis fungal pathogen”, The 21st Fungal Genetics and Biology Conference of the Microbiological Society of Korea, Cheonan, Korea

2017.04.26   “Systematic analysis of the pathogenicity-related signal transduction of human meningitis fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans”, 2017 International Meeting of the Microbiology Society of Korea, Busan, Korea

2017.02.21   “Functional identification of the pathogenicity-related signal transduction of human meningitis fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans”, BK21 PLUS Systems Biology Center, Seoul, Korea

2016.02.03 “Systematic functional profiling of transcription factor networks in Cryptococcus neoformans” BK21 PLUS Research Symposium, Seoul, Korea

2015.11.30   “Kinome webs reveal novel pathogenicity networks in a global human meningitis fungal pathogen”, BK21 PLUS Systems Biology Center, Seoul, Korea

2015.11.12   “A Novel CAP-glycine protein governs growth, differentiation, and the pathogenicity of human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans”, MICROBIAL STRESS:From Molecules to Systems, Sitges, Spain