
Research Building 415, FSBL

415-1 Cell Room / 415-2 Fungi Room

Animal Facility in KoZRI

Animal Facilities MAP

Animal Facility Inside for Small Animals

Live Cell Imaging System

Real-time PCR machine

Dissecting microscope / Camera system

Optical microscope / Camera system

(100×, 200× 400×, 1000×)

Microplate Reader / Spectrophotometer / Growth Kinetics Machine

Chemi-Doc / Gel-Doc

Cell Culture Incubator (Divided Chamber)

Microtome / Paraffin embedding system

Rotator and Spins

Power Supply and Trans-Blot Cell

Gel Electrophoresis System

Trans-Blot Transfer system

Bio Safety Cabinet

Class II Type A2

Bio Safety Cabinet

Class II Type A2

Negative Isolator

Animal Anesthesia System

Micro Centrifuge  Refrigerated 18R

Tabletop Centrifuge 15SET

Distilled Water System


Auto Clave 60 L

Dry Oven 150 L



Deep Freezer

Incubator 250 L

Incubator 150 L

Shaking Incubator 121 L

Water Bath